What were you wearing last Thursday?

Shining the spotlight on style, trendsetters, and fashion in terms of the good, the bad and the ugly <3

Wonderland or Wander Lust?

So ya’ll remember the peter pan dress I bought a few weeks back that I was so in love with, I was likely to propose on the first date? Well, when it finally arrived the dress was less awesome and more dun dun dunnnnnn (cue the shocked, surprised and horror face). Let me give you the break down

1st- Before I even opened the package I noticed a little white stain on the collar. Mildly disappointed when I touched it, the stain felt like burnt fabric but it was white on a black collar. So I figured it was some sort of makeup stain from somebody who had been handling it or someone who had tried in on in the store (if there is a store?) and they shipped it out to me because who was going to buy that in the store right? Regardless, I was thought a white stain on black fabric would be pretty easy to cover up, I was not excited about the stain but I have a few tricks that could likely fix it. This stain was just the tip of the iceberg.

2nd – I took the dress out of the bag and I thought wow this looks short! Don’t get me wrong, I like a mini but this was short! So I finally got the dress on the thing barely covered my backside and I do not have a huge butt. I am sure at one point or another people have gotten a sneak peak of these cheeks but this dress (if we are still calling it that) was like Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton panty gate all rolled into one. Just in case I double checked the website to make sure I wasn’t delirious when I ordered said dress, and the website confirmed this item is marketed to consumers as a “dress”.

3rd – The third and final nail in the coffin the buttons were too tight across the chest. From my description this dress just sounds way too small, I am sure but it isn’t so. Lots of parts like the sleeves and stomach area of this dress were roomy if not large but the buttons across the chest looked like they were going to burst! So needless to say this “dress” had to go back.This is where things get even fishy-er (like that is possible right?) Romwe doesn’t handle return shipping. I realize a lot of companies don’t, like I know Victoria’s Secret doesn't either but heads up online businesses return labels are awesome! Even you just write out the label for me and I still have to pay the UPS guy that’s cool but Romwe’s return address is China! Therefore the person and address are all literally another language, so I don’t even know if I wrote the return address correctly! Not to mention the guy at the post office told me once the package gets into Chinese jurisdiction they can’t track it even if I paid more for it! While I believe Romwe is on the up and up the post guy warned me of UGG scams etc. It’s hard to believe we put a man on the moon and can make dresses out of meat (cough lady Gaga) but we can’t ship something to China and back. Or make pantyhose that don’t run, but I suppose that’s a whole other story!

So was it a mistake on my behalf or just a fluke in the online retail system? Perhaps I will pray to Tom Cruise tonight and hope this whole getting a refund goes smoothly. 

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