What were you wearing last Thursday?

Shining the spotlight on style, trendsetters, and fashion in terms of the good, the bad and the ugly <3

The Secret Circle

WELCOME BEST KEPT SECRETS IN THE INDUSTRY. Okay, I write a mediocre at best blog, I am hardly a “industry insider” but I am a fashion lover and bargain hunter. I know I usually refer to online stores for a number of different reasons. I do love online shopping, you can literally buy anything if you look hard enough. Buying online is a really different buyer interaction and I feel like buying from a company online they are more likely to send you exclusive deals and promotions because of a lack of human interaction. Finally, I usually reference online stores because I need specific examples and if you wanted to purchase something I suggested visiting a website is so much easier than a store.  Keeping all of that in mind nothing replaces going into a store, touching the material, trying on clothes and an ultimate shoppers high.  Clearly, some stores are superior to others, and then you have your super secret sneaky stores where you can find real gems. Welcome to the diamond mine.

Missoni for Target > everything
In case you missed it shopping at Target maybe one of the best kept secrets. Ladies who know, go! Not only in the past few years as has Target been featuring huge designer names like Missoni (that shut down the target website) and Jason Wu but also feature the target brand names like Xliheration and Merona. First, and foremost the designer brands at Target have historically been AWESOME. Like I mentioned the Missoni collection for Target shut down the Target website and sold out in stores across America in hours! These collaborations are really good because you can get the essence of that designer’s style with a much smaller price tag. Targets “generic” brands like Merona and Mossimo, etc are really great for basics too. They always have tank tops, boy beaters, v-necks, and scoop necks in all sizes and typically a variety of colors. Even though these store brands are cheaper is price the quality is there. I wouldn’t say buying a clothing item from Target will last you a life time, but it will definitely last longer than one season really making these items a value. Furthermore, depending on your particular Target they carry some really stylish stuff. I got a pair of cotton ankle pants for work at Target just a few weeks ago for 20 bucks! WHAT A DEAL! I think Target is also a really great place to buy swimsuits. If your actually wearing your swimsuit to the pool, in the hot tub, or at the beach a variety of elements either wear on your swimsuit or fade the color. This makes swimsuits a one or two season item, so why buy a ton of really expensive swimsuits? I know what you’re thinking, how counterproductive to the previous post where swimsuits where $150 and up! Realistically, I would suggest buying one or two swimsuits that you really love and make you feel like a million dollars, and then purchase something more simple or something more trendy for a cheaper price. It’s all about mixing and matching people! Finally, one of the best things about shopping at Target is they don’t just carry clothes. You can get a new top, matching shoes, fresh shampoo and dog food all at the same place. Katie Holmes even admitted she loves shopping at Target with Suri. If Katie likes Target there’s a good chance that Tom Cruise likes Target, and if Tom Cruise likes Target, you should too, right? 
coolest Kiosk known to man kind

Another overlooked place to shop is kiosks.  I am talking kiosks everywhere the mall, the airport, on the street, where ever! Here’s the biggest catch with kiosks, you will likely never see that item again. Most kiosks are home made goods, local artists, etc so typically the item you’re buying is one of a kind. Also, depending on where your kiosks are located these people are more likely than your clueless store clerk to make a deal with you on the price. I always browse (because shopping is what I do!) and I am always surprised at the items I find at kiosks. Once at a mall in Raleigh I found a kiosk where a woman handmade jewelry with really nice stones and started dabbling in the fascinator hats worn by European Royalty. Like how random? But, when else can you say you have seen a fascinator in person? Also, when I was fast walking through the terminal at Logan airport I found the coolest kiosk that had huge chunky jewelry with a large selection of turquoise rings (the first love of my life), if I wasn't hustling to make my connection I probably would of bought a second carry on bags worth! Finally, at the most notorious kiosks in all the land New York City I negotiated three scarves for the price of one print scarf and to this day couldn’t be prouder. Oh, and the scarves are gorgeous pastels and the softest material.  Generally speaking I think kiosks get a band rep, like oh there’s that art freak selling his shit on the corner but if you can get past that stigma there is some really cool stuff at these little vendors. 

Southwest AMAZE-BALLZ turquoise jewelry 
Finally, this may seem like a no brainer but shopping during traveling is an amazing way to collect one of a kind pieces. Now, you may be thinking I have to travel to a far away land to get something different and unique, SO NOT TRUE! Sure, most trips that require a passport will result in an eye opening fashion experience and I am jealous of those who get to do this often! Also, you really have to be careful of monetary conversions.  It’s generally kind of hard to judge what’s a fair price when your introduced to a new monetary system, so rule of thumb is get some sort of monetary converter app on your phone or laptop. Now, for great fashion travel in the ole U-S of A is pretty simple with some research. You can research big trends in the area online or simply ask the locals once your there, where is the best local places to shop! Generally speaking just getting outside of your “region” will open you to new fashion styles. Like if you’re an east coaster heading to the west coast will likely be the opposite of your style, or if your from the Midwest head to the southwest! You’ll be surprised how each region has its own unique style flairs. In addition traveling can help you find one of a kind boutique’s, or open your eyes to chain stores or different brand names not yet established in your area. With summer being a big travel time for most people, keep your eyes peeled.

photo credit target.com and navajopawn.com


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