What were you wearing last Thursday?

Shining the spotlight on style, trendsetters, and fashion in terms of the good, the bad and the ugly <3

The Fashion Games

Let's face it, everyone's talking about it, NO not Kristen Stewart's slut-capades the OLYMPICS silly! Personally, while I want the US to dominate I think everyone loves watching fit boys and girls jump around, throw things and put their game faces on. And realistically everyone going to the Olympics is ripped, so what a great platform for fashion, right? In a weeks time I am sure we will have plenty of personal favorites when it comes to countries competing, uniforms, ceremony wear, etc but right now the US and UK have released their official looks, lets compare shall we?
Salute to Ralph Lauren

Starting with the US designed my American classic Ralph Lauren. Personally, I don't think they could of picked a better clothing designer. Ralph Lauren has historically been known for classic looks, clean lines and selling millions. This look for the Olympic opening ceremonies is right on the mark with all of Ralph's usual elements. Classic colors? Check! All American look? Check! Clean lines? Check! Naturally, the only colors used are red, white and blue as it should be. I dig it all, except the hat. Now, I love a topper I really do, but it is a beanie, a beret, wtf? Not to mention none of those previous choices are really American born styles (beanie and beret rather french in origin). And the girl outfit is a bit of a mess too. She gets a scarf instead of a tie, I can appreciated that but scarf, blazer and over the knee skirt? I get its respectful and classy but these women have amazing bodies, why cover almost every inch of them up? If your sticking with the scarf I would suggest a form fitting cable knit sweater with the skirt, or if the blazer is a must then no scarf just a nice blouse under and skirt! Overall good showing from Ralphy.

Now the UK of course went with Stella McCartney paired with Adidas and naturally I am feeling these uniforms. Now I maybe comparing apples and oranges, opening ceremony looks vs. actual competition uniforms but its all Olympic related so its kosher in my book. Shown are a man's and woman's look along with a jacket. The jacket, top and bottom of leggings all have about half of a Union Jack flag in blues, instead of red, white and blue, an interesting twist. Also the overall look is more form fitting with space to breathe and move of course. Also, I am really loving the bit of sheen in the women's leggings, its a small touch but something a bit feminine for the ladies! Finally, I really like the orange/red they chose to accent the look, the fact that its not classic red makes it fresh and personal to the 2012 Olympics. Beautiful job Stella, I am sure Papa Paul is proud and your country will be as well!

Photo Credit: runway2reality.com, freshnessmag.com

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