What were you wearing last Thursday?

Shining the spotlight on style, trendsetters, and fashion in terms of the good, the bad and the ugly <3


This past week my little brother (a huge muscle-y man) celebrated yet another glorious birthday. I will admit I am envious of my younger sib for a number of items, thing 1 being his youth, he will always be younger than me(dammit), another would be his toned bod in combination with the fact he eats basically whatever he wants. Oh to be in high school again . . . . . okay I am not envious of that! So this week I decided to do a men's gift giving LTF, because we all have men in our lives, and they all get older at some point!

From low to high, my brother is a big fan of AE, myself not so much but gift giving is not about being selfish! This striped AE t-shirt is one of my fave things on there website currently. I love a striped shirt, on a girl or a boy and the fact that this stripe alternates with another color (green in this case) makes it different and interesting. And at 24.95 its pretty much a steal, but with big retail stores like AE if you can wait long enough everything will go on sale, you just have be willing to take the risk the sale item may no longer be in your size!  I think the bro would dig this shirt, and I wouldn't be embarrassed to walk around with him wearing it!

This next item is from vineyard vines and maybe a bit more mature.  It definitely has the scent of a post grad fratstar lingering about it. Regardless I am a fan of bow ties because everyone wears ties, be different, wear a bow tie. Also, vineyard vines is kind of infamous of really colorful fun printed ties and bow ties. This particular bow tie would really suit my brah because he loves to LAX is up. If it was solely up to me, I would probably go with the mermaid print....... but I think both bow ties are winning! And at 45 dollars each your love just got a little bit deeper.

Finally this Brooks Brothers jacket would make a really cool gift. Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good snap shot of the color I really like of this jacket, the green shown is okay but definitely not a color my brother would wear (would yours?). If you want to check this jacket out yourself you will see it comes in dark blue and red both much better choices but personally, I prefer the red. This jacket is a really cool combination of causal and chic, slimmer fitting and pretty versatile in wear-ability. And currently this jacket is on sale for $99 but originally cost $198, making it the most expensive item of the gift list, but also would probably be the most practical gift!

So your call, but next time you buy for your man, your brother, father, etc remember they need fashion guidance too! 

photo credit ae.com, vineyardvines.com, brooksbrothers.com

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